Meredith Gentry Wiki
Name Rozenwyn
Appearance pink cotton candy hair; lilac skin; molten gold eyes
Race Sidhe
Gender Female
Title --
Family Pasco (twin brother)
Court Unseelie Court
Status Dead
Book(s) A Kiss of Shadows

Rozenwyn was the second in command of Cel's guards, and a twin-sister of Pasco, a member of Queen's Ravens.

 A Kiss of Shadows[]

Before Meredith fled to Los  Angeles, Rozenwyn had challenged Meredith to a duel and had tried to crush her heart using her magic. Meredith then stabbed her, and when Rozenwyn remembered how Meredith had killed Arzhul, she called the duel to an end in her fear. Meredith still bears a hand shaped scar on her ribs from that duel.

Rozenwyn was present when Meredith was to be named  co-heir in front of the members of the Unseelie court. When Cel was threatened by his mother, Rozenwyn, unlike Siobhan, paused before standing before him to protect him.

Rozenwyn, along with her brother Pasco and Siobhan ambushed Meredith near the Abyss of Despair inside the Unseelie mound. They planned to kill her and dispose of the body in the Abyss, along with Kitto and the wounded Rhys.

Desperate, Meredith used The Hand of Flesh as Rozenwyn charged, grabbing Rozenwyn's ankle which caused her leg to invert. At that moment Pasco attacked Meredith as well, but she stabbed him with Rozenwyn's sword, and he fell on Rozenwyn's leg head first.

The inverted flesh of Rozenwyn's leg enveloped him, and the process took hold of him  as well; he became one with his sister's body. Meredith speculated that they became one flesh because as twins they had started life as one. Meredith commanded Rhys to kill the thing they had become; what they had become terrified even Siobhan.

The attack from Cel's people led to Meredith's demand that he serve the full six months of his punishment for giving the Branwyn's Tears to mortal to use against fey, rather than the three previously agreed upon.
